Taiwan Polymer Bank Notes | Brazil Error Notes | Malaysia Polymer soild number | Australian Specimen Error Notes | A Polymer Error | Custom2 Page | Custom3 Page | Price List - 2 | Papua New Guinea 2 Kina Error | Singapore Polymer | Custom Page | Photo4 Page | Photo5 Page | Australia sp | .


~ Then and Now ~

Polymer And PAPER Bank notes Limited Edition Set in FOLDER !!!!

ONLY 2000 Folder ISSUE !!!!

Folder --- < B > --- US

** This limited edition set features the newly launched Polymer Portrait Banknote and the mint condition Paper Portrait Banknote together with educational information of the various portrait notes used before.

**The design of the new polymer banknote is similar to the current paper note except for a few changes to incorporate security features unique to polymer technology. These interesting features include: see through clear window, security thread in the shape of the Singapore Island etc.

This Folder issue DATE :: today :: 17/may/2004

Folder --- < A > --- US$ 35

This note bearing a unique prefix < MAS >
Limited issue : 10.000 notes , == , < 10.000 Folders > !!!
Over printed with : " Commemorative First Issue by < MAS > "

 This < OAA 000001 > notes was auction At the END price of US $ 12,000

 And !!

 The < MAS 000001 > notes was auction At the END price of US $ 18,000 .

 The Two Notes was High bid by the SAME bidder !!

Singapore will issue A new Polymer notes on      Date :  04 / May / 2004 !!!!!

Untill today : 17/May/2004

Have issue with Prefix  from ::

0AA , 1AA , 2AA , 3AA , 4AA , 5AA , 6AA , 7AA , 8AA , 9AA ,

0AB , 1AB , and  2AB .

 the last notes for this issue is ::

 2AB 999999


Here is the Scan on the NEWS PAPER !!!

 Will up date the Real Polymer note SCAN on 04 / May / 2004 when issue !!!!!!



New issue ---- $ 10      

SINGAPORE Polymer Note 

 Date issue : 04 / May / 2004


US$ 10

note in folder

US$ 35









--- $ 50
P30 (1990) With Date : 9.8.90 --- folder---US$ 60
P31 (1990) No Date :: -------------US$ 50


  Here my $ 50 Polymer ERROR note !!!

   Serial number shift !!!!!!!

Here another Serial number ERROR note !!!!

Serial number < H 829946 > ----- < H 830946 >

Me : Tig erson 
